New opportunities and powerful collaborations

Our Value Proposition

The SmartUp Accelerator Network gathers passionate smartups, prominent intermediaries and influential large companies and investors in the consumer cleantech field around the BSR.
It is a platform for consumer cleantech front runners that opens for new opportunities and powerful collaborations by joining forces across sectors and borders.
Read more about the different value propositions for smartups, investors, corporations and intermediaries below.

For Investors

The SmartUp Accelerator Network includes investors who are looking for great opportunities to access innovations of tomorrow. Joining the Smartup Accelerator Network will enable you to:
  • Join market forces and create new projects - thanks to access to SmartUp Accelerator Network members
  • Liaise with local experts that will keep you in the know about cleantech market conditions
  • Access to new markets and their key players
  • Learn about the SmartUp Accelerator consumer cleantech model on how to support SME’s in the consumer cleantech sector
  • Increase visibility of your brand, develop sustainability strategies and position your organisation in the consumer cleantech ecosystem

For SmartUps

The SmartUp Accelerator Network will host consumer cleantech startups and SMEs, smartups, who are looking for opportunities around the BSR. The network will give you access to organizations that are prepared to support, collaborate or invest in innovative and sustainable solutions that show great promise for market success. The network will allow you to
  • Get support from international experts to facilitate your market expansion in the BSR
  • Increase your chances of financing from private and public sources
  • Access testbeds and projects
  • Meet potential customers and partners 
  • Gain greater understanding of market aspects and consumer behaviour in different countries and regions
  • Increase your visibility

For Intermediaries

The network will allow your organization to and become more effective in supporting your local smartups through access to financing, identification of partners, testbeds and project opportunities.
What is more, you will be able to:
  • Gain greater understanding of market aspects and consumer behaviour in different countries and regions through through dialogue with peers, events, market research and case studies
  • Identify new opportunities and projects around the BSR and beyond
  • Develop your network: meet international smartups, investors and business partners
  • Learn about support models of the SmartUp Accelerator for the startups in the consumer cleantech ecosystem
  • Increase the visibility of your brand, develop sustainability strategies and position your organisation in the consumer cleantech ecosystem

For Corporations

The SmartUp Accelerator Network targets corporations and their sustainability managers, R&D managers, CEOs and others that look to take a proactive approach to innovation and sustainability. Curiosity, drive and generosity from your side will have the potential to position your company on the international consumer cleantech market and allow you to reap major benefits.
  • Connect to innovative smartups that can help you access the growing consumer cleantech innovations and design more efficient processes in your supply chain
  • Join market forces with potential business partners, and access new research, development, testbeds and EU innovation porjects
  • Build stronger relations and customers’ trust through development of sustainable solutions and strategies
  • Designing more efficient processes in the supply chain thanks to cooperation with high-tech startups
  • Learning about the consumer cleantech ecosystem created by the SmartUp Accelerator
  • Increase the visibility of your brand, develop sustainability strategies and position your organisation in the consumer cleantech ecosystem

Join the SmartUp Accelerator Network!

Register your interest in joining the network and we will contact you ASAP.

Join the network